Lesson 5: TikTok customer transfer and Traffic overflow schemes

23.08.2024 6 mins to read

Hello everyone, this is LeadRock!

In the previous lesson, we talked about creatives, their content, and restrictions. However, the success of a campaign depends not only on the creatives but also on the approaches to inflow and redirection of traffic — which we will discuss today!

Key Traffic Generation Schemes in TikTok

We mentioned these approaches in the first lesson, but now it’s time to delve into them in more detail!

Scheme #1: Spamming. The simplest, most common, and straightforward scheme. ROI can fluctuate or be unstable due to the constant need for new accounts. To use this method, you need to:

  1. Buy a ready-to-use account.
  2. Log into the account, adhering to anonymity requirements.
  3. Upload videos with links.
  4. Move on to the next account.

The main advantage of this scheme is its simplicity. When spamming, there’s no need to track accounts meticulously; it’s enough to have them in large quantities.

The downside is that with such a short-term approach, TikTok doesn’t have time to form a target audience for the account. Successful spamming is possible only with verified setups during stable times for the platform.

Scheme #2: “Circles” Uploading. A relevant and novel strategy, suitable for both testing and large-scale uploads. In this strategy, the webmaster works more closely with the accounts:

  1. Buy an account and log into it.
  2. Upload a batch of 6 identical creative videos.
  3. Wait 1 to 12 hours for the videos to gather views.
  4. Delete the videos and upload them again.

The advantage of this approach is that TikTok has time to select a more relevant audience and provide more views. Additionally, after warming up, these accounts can be used to test more aggressive creatives. Also, fewer accounts are needed when using the “circles” method.

The downside is that you need to sort and select quality accounts. Even with proper selection, they will stop generating traffic after 6-10 uploads, and the accounts will need to be replaced. Nonetheless, this is one of the most relevant ways to obtain traffic from TikTok in a short time.

Scheme #3: Long-Term Management. In this case, the webmaster gradually warms up accounts and builds platform trust to eventually appear in global recommendations. If this happens, the traffic volumes cover all time costs.

Generally, the long-term scheme looks like this:

  1. The webmaster creates an account from scratch.
  2. Regularly publishes useful or entertaining videos in the desired theme.
  3. When the account starts gaining volumes, the webmaster redirects and monetizes the traffic.

The main advantage of this approach is the potential to get massive traffic volumes and well-warmed accounts with a formed target audience. The downside is the high risk; if blocked, you’ll have to start from scratch, and the efforts may not pay off.

Among the proposed schemes, we recommend choosing the “circles” method. As of 2024, it is the most optimal upload method based on the balance of costs, traffic, and speed.

Traffic Redirecting Methods on TikTok

Regardless of the uploading scheme used, traffic needs to be redirected to “main” accounts, social media platforms, or directly to landing pages. TikTok offers several ways to accomplish this, which we’ll cover in this section.

How to Add a Link in the Description? To place a link in the description, you need either 1,000 followers or a business account. You can buy a ready-made account with a link included on platforms like Funpay, where prices generally start at $1.

You can also create a TikTok business profile manually. More details about the process are covered in this video. To register, you’ll need certain documents, which you can find here. In brief:

  1. Visit the Website: Go to https://search.sunbiz.org/Inquiry/CorporationSearch/ByName;
  2. Find Active Businesses: Search for businesses with active status.
  3. Download Documents: Choose and download the necessary documents for registration.

Once you have a business account, you can place a link to your landing page or main account for traffic redirection.

Methods for Redirecting Traffic to a Main Account. There are various methods to redirect traffic to a main account, especially useful for spam or “circle” uploading. Here are the primary methods:

  • Through Subscriptions: Simply subscribe to the main account and encourage users to check the list of your subscriptions in the description. Make sure that the main account is the only one listed in your subscriptions to avoid any distractions.

  • Through Likes. The principle is the same—like the desired video on the main account and suggest viewers check out whom you have liked in the description.

  • Through Comments. In this case, mention the main account in the comment and pin it. It’s recommended to combine this with a verbal call-to-action within the video.

  • Through Tags. You can include a tag in the description and encourage viewers to read the description in the voiceover, or add a tag sticker directly in the video.

Most Reliable Traffic Transfer Methods — These include using comments and tags in the account description. Test these methods first.

Redirecting Traffic to a Domain. Once your main account starts generating traffic, you need to direct users to a landing page with the offer. This can be achieved in several ways:

  • Write a non-clickable domain in the account description.
  • Display the domain and site search directly in the video.
  • Redirect to another social network — Instagram, Twitter, or YouTube.

If you plan to redirect traffic to another social network and then to a landing page from there, we recommend testing Instagram. Additionally, Instagram is relatively easy to use for gaining views through its Reels feature.

Current Creative Formats on TikTok

TikTok offers several posting formats. To wrap up this lesson, we’ll dive into the two main formats currently in use.

First Format — Carousel: This format includes multiple videos or images within a single post that users can swipe through. It’s often used for detailed product showcases, step-by-step guides, or presentations. It’s a good format if approached creatively and if the narrative is cohesive.


Second Format — Short Video: This is the classic TikTok format that needs no introduction. Here are some tips for creating effective short videos:

  • Use static logos or offer visuals throughout the video to enhance interest and product recall.
  • Include calls to action at both the beginning and end of the video. Make sure these are simple and help viewers find the product or link.


  • Use original or unique videos from other users to significantly boost the account’s credibility.



To successfully run campaigns on TikTok, it’s crucial to choose the right strategy, traffic flow method, and creative format. Today, you’ve learned more about these aspects, and we hope it will assist you in launching your campaigns.

Continue learning — in the next lesson, we’ll cover how to prepare a variety of unique creatives!

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