Lesson 3: How to find an audience and find solutions to problems

19.08.2024 5 mins to read

Hello everyone, this is LeadRock!

In the previous lesson, we covered how to prepare creatives for testing. We also described the initial problems often encountered during uploads, such as shadow bans, weak views, and lack of audience engagement.

Today, we’ll explain how to address these issues and what to focus on when analyzing your campaigns.

TikTok Audience Definition Mechanism

To address the problem of weak views, it’s crucial to understand how TikTok selects viewers for your videos. There is no exact information on this, so we rely on our experience with the platform.

Firstly, TikTok analyzes each of your videos and assigns it a theme immediately after publishing. It also determines the topics covered in the video — you can track all this data in your video’s statistics:

The analysis and categorization of videos are managed by TikTok’s neural network. This means that videos not only need to comply with rules but also need to be simple and easy for the neural network to process.

Based on the analysis results and assigned categories, TikTok selects the audience. The audience primarily depends on the content of the video itself. For instance, if you upload a video in Russian from a US-based account, it will still be shown to users from the CIS region.

There are several parameters that the neural network evaluates:

  1. Video Content: The neural network assesses the storyline, characters, and text in the video.
  2. Audio: The language of the voiceover, music, and overall audio quality also affect the audience.
  3. Description: The language of the text and the presence of prohibited words related to restricted topics are important.
  4. Hashtags: These influence ranking and audience targeting, especially when using local hashtags and geotags.
  5. Effects and Stickers: These should be used in the video and align with local cultural codes. To better understand these codes, spend some time browsing through TikTok’s feed.

By influencing these parameters, you can control which audience will see your video. Use local languages, geolocation tags, hashtags, and people of specific appearances to find the right audience for your offer.

Analyzing Problems and Finding Solutions

To understand the reasons behind low views and shadow bans, we use TikTok’s updated functionality — after 2024, it began showing the reasons for stopping views.

Start your analysis with the “Profile Visitors” tool. This tool allows you to monitor who viewed your videos and visited your account. You can find the tool here:

In this case, we observed profiles with Spanish language settings — indeed, this is our target audience.

Also, check more detailed statistics for each video — you can do this here:

By looking at these statistics, you can draw a series of conclusions:

Views are coming 100% from the For You feed, which means organic traffic is present. Keep in mind that “For You” is TikTok’s recommendation feed, and #fyp is the most popular hashtag.

On these screenshots, you can see that TikTok provides a mixed audience for the videos, roughly 50% male and female. Additionally, the audience is too young for nutra offers; we need to target a more mature segment, specifically ages 25-34 and older.

You can also track the GEO of the audience in the statistics. We did not encounter issues with this; the neural network correctly identified the account’s region and language — as a result, we received 90% of views from Mexico.

In the statistics, you will also receive a notification if the account stops receiving views. This will include the reason for the removal from recommendations. In our case, it was the topic “Eating Disorders and Body Image.”

This means that the neural network identified the topic of the video and decided to halt organic traffic. However, our creatives did not feature images of food or body figures, only the text “Weight Loss” in Spanish.

If you receive such a warning for your accounts as well, submit an appeal. Within a day, the account and videos may be removed from the ban and start gaining views again.

Additionally, you can use another useful tool for analytics — the Creative Studio. You can find “Creators Tools” here:

Please note that to access this section, you need to have several videos uploaded with views and have analytics enabled. Within 10 minutes, TikTok will load the data and grant access to the Creative Studio tools.

Here are the functions available in “Creators Tools”:

  • Account Status Check: You can quickly track which videos have been restricted and the reasons for it. This function is very time-saving when dealing with a large number of creatives.

  • Creation Inspiration: A section with recommended videos and accounts in similar themes. It’s useful for finding ideas and themes for your content.

  • Trending: A section with trending videos that you can filter by categories and regions. In our case, you can look at videos from Mexico, targeting female audiences in categories such as “Beauty & Style,” “Nature,” and “Family & Relationship.”

  • Recommended: This section helps you find out which category your account has been assigned to. Simply check the “Similar Posts” and “Similar Creators” sections, which should feature videos related to your themes. In our case, it correctly identified the category as “Food and Cooking”.

Based on the data received, we concluded that the issue lies with the creatives — they are causing account blocks and hindering view counts. Additionally, due to the creatives, we were attracting a very young audience with a high proportion of males.


In this lesson, we explored methods for analyzing the audience, discussed TikTok tools, and identified ways to address promotion issues. Stay tuned — in the next lesson, we’ll explain how to select effective creatives and adjust the audience for our videos!

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