Lesson 2: Creatives and Initial Challenges

14.08.2024 3 mins to read

Hello everyone, this is LeadRock!

In the previous lesson, we discussed the general principles of running traffic using our top offer, Intuslim (Low Price), for Mexico. Now, it’s time to take a closer look at traffic arbitrage and delve into its individual aspects.

First up are the creatives, which are the videos we post on the landing accounts and profiles from which we drive traffic. You’ll learn where to find ideas for creatives, what to focus on during preparation, and the challenges you might encounter during your initial attempts at running traffic.

How to Prepare Creatives for TikTok?

Before you start creating videos, you need to find the source materials. You can request creatives from your manager — we received 4 static images from them. This is a promising option with good potential for views since the format is easy to comprehend.

You can also search for creative examples in spy services using queries related to the offer’s theme. This is a valid approach,  but make sure to make the videos unique before publishing them.

The next step is to change the audio track. Choose new trending music and generate unique voiceovers in the local language using MurfAI  or similar AI tools.

For voiceover text, you can use calls to action such as losing weight, getting healthier, preparing for beach season, or eliminating illnesses. For instance, we used the phrase “¿Quieres PERDER 700 gramos de la noche a la mañana? Haga clic en el perfil en la descripción,” which means “Do you want to LOSE 700 grams overnight? Click on the profile in the description.”

By the way, if you’re using our method of redirecting traffic to a landing account, be sure to encourage viewers to click through using the audio track, subtitles, and visual cues. For example, we highlighted our main account’s tag in red, like this:

That’s all for now — use classic creatives and spy videos, add voiceovers with calls to action, and remember to make your videos unique to get more views. You can also leave links to the landing page in the description of all accounts to get more clicks.

A few words about initial problems and their analysis

 When we were developing this traffic strategy, we encountered several issues. During the testing phase, we launched one creative per account and found that all videos featuring women were shadowbanned.

Since we use verified accounts from the store @TikTok_Proliv_accs_bot,  the issue could only be with the creatives. We removed videos featuring women and kept only those creatives that pass moderation immediately. For example, videos with an expert approach like these worked quite well:

However, when re-uploading, new issues arose, such as:

  • Weak view counts
  • Few transitions in the profile;
  • No audience engagement
  • Shadow bans

You’ll learn more about how we tackled these problems in the upcoming lessons, so stay tuned!


Gone are the days when you could flood TikTok with the same video from multiple accounts and still get views. Now, uploading requires unique videos tailored to specific GEOs and audiences — today, you learned how to prepare them!

In 2024, TikTok’s moderation is constantly evolving and finding new ways to challenge arbitrage strategies. Read the next lesson to find out how we dealt with the current issues related to platform uploads.

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